#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = Bird Street ## Skin ### Button Button_21F72555_2FAD_19C5_41BD_BB9AF7E0CBE1.label = PANORAMAS Button_21F72555_2FAD_19C5_41BD_BB9AF7E0CBE1_mobile.label = PANORAMAS Button_39BB5B3F_2F7C_E945_4191_05ADC21A0AD3.label = INFO Button_39BB5B3F_2F7C_E945_4191_05ADC21A0AD3_mobile.label = INFO Button_3E86FEF9_2FF5_68CD_41B1_777685A3E9CF.label = OPENING VIDEO Button_3E86FEF9_2FF5_68CD_41B1_777685A3E9CF_mobile.label = CONTACT Button_C4AB3D38_C92F_324D_41E4_E258AC95832D.label = CONTACT ### Multiline Text HTMLText_2032AA98_2F93_2B4B_41BA_F172CC184D88.html =


This exhibition, which is structured as a series of visual chapters, is the product of a long period of practice based research. It focuses on the exploration of abandoned homes on two sites,oneruralandoneurban, in the Eastern Cape. The images and videos and installations of the spectral fragments and found objectsthatthehomemakersleftbehindthemhavebeen installed in a shifting and fluid assemblage that relates to the spaces in the Nelson Mandela University’s Bird Street Gallery. The works can be read as the material evidence of the research process, and as an autoethnographic creative response to the wordless stories that both the abandoned sites and the objects narrate and demand attention to.
For me the research process leading up to the exhibition provided a way to think about the complexities of what home means; home as a dream, as an ever illusive imaginary; as a site of [in]security, of [un]homeliness, of fear, of desire, of contentment. It was a way to reflect on what it means for women to have to leave the refuge of home, to abandon its four walls (whether willingly or unwillingly). Finally, it was a way to think visually about the nuanced, and oftentimes violent, gendered power relations of domesticity, and the women whose lives are impacted on by it.
This exhibition is about being at home but not at home, about the unhomely that underlies the homely and that reveals itself in the abandoned spaces. It’s about the spectres and the haunting and the thoughts that spending time in the ruins conjures up, and it is about leaving home and what it means. For me the abandoned home represents a kind of afterlife of domesticity. This is a place of melancholy, but for me it has also been the site of an unfolding, where (in the words of Deleuze and Guattari) the [artist]explorer can become other, can become nomad, can see the world with new eyes, and re-find her creative voice, and express “a becoming of thought [that] cries out” (Deleuze,1995). Where the woman can become that which Virginia Woolf describes in A Room of One’s Own (2018), as “a vessel in which all sorts of spirits and forces are coursing and flashing perpetually.

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This exhibition, which is structured as a series of visual chapters, is the product of a long period of practice based research. It focuses on the exploration of abandoned homes on two sites,oneruralandoneurban, in the Eastern Cape. The images and videos and installations of the spectral fragments and found objectsthatthehomemakersleftbehindthemhavebeen installed in a shifting and fluid assemblage that relates to the spaces in the Nelson Mandela University’s Bird Street Gallery. The works can be read as the material evidence of the research process, and as an autoethnographic creative response to the wordless stories that both the abandoned sites and the objects narrate and demand attention to.
For me the research process leading up to the exhibition provided a way to think about the complexities of what home means; home as a dream, as an ever illusive imaginary; as a site of [in]security, of [un]homeliness, of fear, of desire, of contentment. It was a way to reflect on what it means for women to have to leave the refuge of home, to abandon its four walls (whether willingly or unwillingly). Finally, it was a way to think visually about the nuanced, and oftentimes violent, gendered power relations of domesticity, and the women whose lives are impacted on by it.
This exhibition is about being at home but not at home, about the unhomely that underlies the homely and that reveals itself in the abandoned spaces. It’s about the spectres and the haunting and the thoughts that spending time in the ruins conjures up, and it is about leaving home and what it means. For me the abandoned home represents a kind of afterlife of domesticity. This is a place of melancholy, but for me it has also been the site of an unfolding, where (in the words of Deleuze and Guattari) the [artist]explorer can become other, can become nomad, can see the world with new eyes, and re-find her creative voice, and express “a becoming of thought [that] cries out” (Deleuze,1995). Where the woman can become that which Virginia Woolf describes in A Room of One’s Own (2018), as “a vessel in which all sorts of spirits and forces are coursing and flashing perpetually.

HTMLText_3A6167D1_2F73_78DD_41C4_82498CCA6CB3.html =
Contact Information

Mrs Faith Bada
Events Manager
Tel: 27 41 504 3614
HTMLText_3A6167D1_2F73_78DD_41C4_82498CCA6CB3_mobile.html =
Contact Information

Mrs Faith Bada
Events Manager
Tel: 27 41 504 3614
## Media ### Title album_D4D3E18B_C7E6_B334_41E8_63E57EA9F027.label = Photo Album set3a album_D4D3E18B_C7E6_B334_41E8_63E57EA9F027_0.label = set3a album_D4D3E18B_C7E6_B334_41E8_63E57EA9F027_1.label = set3b album_D5581765_C7A3_9FFC_41E6_339AC3613A5F.label = Photo Album set2a album_D5581765_C7A3_9FFC_41E6_339AC3613A5F_0.label = set2a album_D5581765_C7A3_9FFC_41E6_339AC3613A5F_1.label = set2b album_D5581765_C7A3_9FFC_41E6_339AC3613A5F_2.label = set2c album_D5581765_C7A3_9FFC_41E6_339AC3613A5F_3.label = set2d album_D6692B63_C7A2_F7F5_41A2_5F8EF93EED6D.label = Photo Album set1a album_D6692B63_C7A2_F7F5_41A2_5F8EF93EED6D_0.label = set1a album_D6692B63_C7A2_F7F5_41A2_5F8EF93EED6D_1.label = set1b album_D6692B63_C7A2_F7F5_41A2_5F8EF93EED6D_2.label = set1c panorama_CE647392_C461_DACA_41E7_D18444057F3F.label = Bird2 panorama_CE651D32_C460_CFCA_41CB_2E607D077E42.label = Bird11 panorama_CE653113_C460_77CA_41D1_7EDD5E26EC29.label = Bird7 panorama_CE653CA5_C461_CECE_41E4_CDB4A3B091CB.label = Bird3B panorama_CE653E6C_C460_CA5E_41D3_E4AF3B9F0947.label = Bird10 panorama_CE656BE8_C461_CA46_41C4_9EF5E8869711.label = Bird4 panorama_CE65782D_C461_B5DE_41E7_9817714C84D8.label = Bird5 panorama_CE657DF1_C460_CE46_41C8_C0BDA788FC77.label = Bird12 panorama_CE65CD49_C460_4E46_41D9_4CE6376DD661.label = Bird8 panorama_CE65D548_C460_5E46_41B0_76123A81ECD8.label = Bird6 panorama_CE65F99D_C460_56FE_41DB_AE2193640078.label = Bird9 panorama_CE97F738_C461_BBC6_41E0_79AF09C1C04D.label = Bird1 video_EA170741_C9E1_6771_41D7_66902EE5EB0A.label = v1 video_EA28AE68_C9E3_E93F_41E6_FE480CE53EFE.label = v2 video_EB8D3B2D_C9EF_AF36_41D0_91597C769650.label = v3 video_EBC622B7_C9E6_B911_41E1_6F161C6C9096.label = v4 ## Action ### URL PopupWebFrameBehaviour_C7A8407B_C933_12C3_41D5_E928642C3A5E.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/nZZWiJSK6JM?v=nZZWiJSK6JM PopupWebFrameBehaviour_D026F6E4_C8AE_B936_41CD_7568E6C2D855.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/5S0IYR88bEk?v=5S0IYR88bEk PopupWebFrameBehaviour_DE3175BC_C8A6_FB17_41B9_6B3F6EB22F34.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/DWImBMSgbIw?v=DWImBMSgbIw PopupWebFrameBehaviour_DED98F12_C8A3_E713_41E8_1F668CBF6B5A.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/giUZGXPxt_c?v=giUZGXPxt_c PopupWebFrameBehaviour_ECF95441_C9E2_F971_41C2_71B2AF8DDCB2.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/5S0IYR88bEk?v=5S0IYR88bEk