Always act as if you are carrying the virus


Did you know?  You can be COVID-19 positive and not even know it. Yes, while you are asymptomatic, and are showing no symptoms, you can unwittingly spread the virus.

That’s why you must always behave as if you have the virus by wearing your mask, washing or sanitising your hands and maintaining your distance.

By doing this, you are protecting both yourself and others.

The call for everyone to continue to practice COVID-19 preventative measures comes with the news that the University has lost its seventh staff member to the pandemic.

Our condolences go to the family and friends of the Mandela University staff member who passed away recently.

Asymptomatic Carriers
Children and young people are the most likely individuals to be asymptomatic.

They do not have any of the usual symptoms associated with the virus – high temperature, body aches, dry cough, sore throat, loss of taste and smell, sore throat and other flu-like symptoms.

Mask Up for Others
So please be selfless and remember those around you by continuing to follow all simple prevention measures.

Do the right thing.  Mask up, sanitise and keep your distance for the sake of the elderly, the over 60s and those who have underlying illnesses.

Do it for your friends, your family, for those known to you and those who are not.

Remember, #It Is In Your Hands to halt the spread of the virus.

Get your Posters

You can download this and all other posters from the University’s coronavirus website

Coronavirus Task Team

Communication and Marketing Workstream