Compulsory use of University own COVID-19 screening tool


All staff, students and visitors to Nelson Mandela University must show their COVID-19 screening results when entering any of the institution’s seven campuses in Port Elizabeth and George.

The link to the University’s own online screening tool is

Compliance and safety
The University’s screening tool was developed to meet COVID-19 compliance regulations, but more especially, to aid individual wellbeing.

While there are other COVID-19 surveillance tools available, the University’s one, developed by ICT Services, offers a holistic approach for monitoring numbers and in managing wellbeing.

It can be used by visitors to campus as well as staff and students working or studying outside of campus.

Regular screening
The result of the screening, which is reached after answering a series of simple questions, is only shared with the University’s health professionals. They will contact you, dependent on the results of your screening since your wellbeing is their leading priority.

You will need to test every four hours when on campus and share your result at the gates and other key entrances, such as residences, libraries and the general computer labs. If your screening result is mild or high, or you have any COVID-19 concerns please contact Occupational Health Services (staff) on 041 504 2045 or Student Health Services on 041 504 3204, 504 3762 or 504 4323.  

Line managers should ensure that their staff members are able to access the link to monitor their own wellbeing.

In addition, you will need to share your result ahead of any mask-to-mask classes or examinations for your own safety and that of others.

Additional prevention measures
This self-screening is one of several interventions to ensure your safety, especially on campus or in your residences. In addition, please continue to practice all prevention measures and ensure that your student/staff card is scanned, your hands are sanitised and temperature is taken as you enter the University’s campuses in Port Elizabeth and George.

Reporting compliance gaps
Should any of the above not be happening, please contact the Safety Health and Environment (SHE) office soonest on

Your support is much appreciated.


Coronavirus Task Team
Health, SHE and ICT Services Workstreams