Deregistering is only an option of absolute last resort


We are mindful that the disruption brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic has not been an easy journey for our students and academic staff, who have had to switch to blended learning in the quest to complete the 2020 Academic Year.

It has been heart-warming to see the majority of our students and staff remaining resilient and positive. Our students have really been working hard on their studies.

The University has been consistent and steadfast in communicating that it remains committed to do everything possible to ensure that no student is left behind, and that all our students are provided with the necessary support to complete their modules this year.

Should students experience difficulties with their studies, they are urged to speak to their Student Success Coach or to the Student Wellness Centre of the Learning and Teaching Collaboration for Success. They can be contacted on:

Emthonjeni Student Wellness:

Academic Coaches:

The University wishes to encourage all students to remain resilient and to persevere with their studies. We will continue offering the necessary support to our students towards ensuring their overall success. Deregistering is only an option of absolute last resort.

All the best to our students and staff in these unprecedented times.

Mr Edgar De Koker
