Managing Health and Safety through COVID-19 Compliance Measures


The recent spike in COVID-19 infections among both staff and students (see student and staff portals for latest figures) makes adherence to coronavirus health and safety measures even more critical.

To this end, please:

  • Continue to work or study remotely where this is possible
  • Introduce rotational and/or flexible hours in terms of staff needed on campus
  • Limit all on-campus academic activities where this is possible

These actions will immediately limit the numbers of staff and students on our campus, enabling better safety management of those who remain.

Staff Return to Campus Process

In addition, those staff members who are still needed on campus to enable the University to function, must all adhere to the Return to Campus processes as captured in the flow chart with the relevant links embedded.   

The University is legally required to follow these processes, but more critically, they are in place to safeguard your wellbeing.

Failure to do so compromises health and safety, particularly if the University is unable to find COVID-19 contacts because of non-compliance.  

Initial Screening session with Occupational Health Services

Once you have completed the Health Declaration, watched the COVID-19 prevention measures training videos and applied for your permit (your line manager must approve this), you need to pre-book a session with the COVID-19 Screening Centre ( 

While the team will undertake screening, this process is as much an induction about what to expect and what is expected of you as a staff member working on the ground.

You only need to do this once.  Thereafter, you need to use the online self-screening tool to monitor your own wellbeing and use the result to access the campus and various venues.

Student Return to Campus Process

Students should only be on campus if they have been officially invited back and have a permit. These are students living on and off campus or who need to attend an academic engagement (practical lab or studio work, contact test or critical lecture) or need to use a general lab or the library. A permit is required for this.

It is far safer to work from home – be it your private home or your residence room.

It is in Your Hands

COVID-19 compliance is in your hands. Failure to do so may mean closure of the University and our shared inability to complete the academic year. The academic year is in your hands.

Coronavirus Task Team

Student Health and Occupational Health Workstreams