With Nelson Mandela Bay a COVID-19 hotspot, staff and students should continue to work and study remotely where this is possible in order to limit on-campus activities and people on our Port Elizabeth and George campuses. Line managers should continue rotational and/or flexible hours for those who need to be on campus.
These actions will enable better safety management of those who remain.
Those who have already been given permission to return to campus, should follow the usual processes listed below.
Permission to Return
Those wishing to return to work for the first time, if only collect to something or to attend a once-off meeting, must have their line manager’s approval to do so before following all the necessary return-to-work protocols.
Return to Campus Process
This flow chart serves as a reminder of the steps to follow. The University is legally required to follow these processes, but more critically, they are in place to safeguard your wellbeing. Failure to do so, compromises safety, particularly if the University is unable to find COVID-19 contacts because of non-compliance.
Feeling ill?
Please do not return to campus after the break if you are feeling unwell or have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. With your doctor’s guidance, quarantine yourself, and alert your line manager, who will advise on leave protocols and other matters.
Temperature Screening on Campus
As with processes followed in 2020, please continue to use the online self-screening app and share your result at the gate, where staff cards will also be scanned, and temperatures taken.
Additionally, as has been the practice within in many divisions, please undertake the same health screenings upon arrival at your workspace. Line managers are encouraged to implement the latter to ensure compliance, since some staff may not have used the vehicular access to campus where screening takes place.
It is in Your Hands!
Coronavirus Task Team
Human Resources and Occupational Health Workstreams