Wellness Check-in


After more than 60 days of Lockdown, trying to work and study in new ways in a new environment, while also balancing a home life against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, can understandably cause great stress and anxiety.

Coupled with possible health, money and other concerns, the University is encouraging the following practices:

  • All staff to check-in with their line manager on a daily basis
  • To be mindful of the “symptoms” of psychological stress in such times, and
  • To use the psychological services that are available

Attached is a presentation by Wellness@Work to assist you in coping with the many irritations, challenges, uncertainties and the like during these unprecedented times.

Their services can be accessed by contacting the 24/7 Mandela University Wellbeing Programme at 0800 205 333 or email at info@wellwork.co.za.

Services include:

  • 24/7 access to telephonic support
  • Counselling services via Zoom and or telephone
  • Face-to-face counselling (at the discretion and screening protocol of the Care Centre and Counsellor)
  • Telephonic health advice relating to COVID-19 or any other health concern
  • Telephonic financial advice and/or legal advice
  • Zoom workshops for teams/individuals.

Stay in touch with colleagues, encourage one another, take advantage of wellness webinars and be kind to yourself.

HR and Occupational Health and Wellness Workstreams

Coronavirus Task Team