Thu | 1 | | Quality Committee (QC)
(08:30) |
| | | Tender Adjudication Committee (TAC)
(09:00) |
| | | Period for application for remarking of examination scripts start (Examinable modules)
Fri | 2 | | UAC
(09:00) |
| | | Residence open for First Year Students
| | | Last day for all adjustments of re-assessment marks of all Year End-of-modules by Academic Departments
Sat | 3 | | Library and Information Services: Vacation hours (10:00 - 15:00) South & Missionvale Campus only
| | | Welcoming Ceremony
Graduate School Trimester 1-Last day for regostration without penalty of 2024 modules and registration changes
Sun | 4 | | Library and Information Closed
| | | Library and Information Services: Term hours (14:00 - 18:00) Missionvale only
Teaching cycle 1 (2nd & 3rd year MBChB)
Mon | 5 | | Research and Innovation Committee (RIC)
(09:00) |
| | | First Year Success Programme starts
Assisted in person registration starts
Tue | 6 | | Risk Management Committee (RMC)
(09:00) |
Wed | 7 | | Research Ethics Committee (REC-A)
(09:00) |
| | | Engagement and Transformation Committee
(09:00) |
Thu | 8 | | Arts Culture Heritage Committee (ACHC)
(14:00) |
| | | Professoriate and Academic Titles Committee (PATC)
(09:00) |
| | | Period for viewing and applications for re-marking of 2023 Year-end Assessment period examination answer scripts
Fri | 9 | | Residences open for Senior Students
Assisted in person registration ends
First Year Success Programme ends
Sat | 10 | | Library and Information Services: Vacation hours (10:00 - 15:00) South & Missionvale only
Sun | 11 | | Normal registration ends
| | | Library and Information Services Closed
| | | Library and Information Services: Term hours 14:00 - 18:00 Missionvale only
Teaching cycle 1 (2nd & 3rd year MBChB)
Mon | 12 | | Enrolment Management Committee (EMC)
(09:00) |
| | | Teaching Cycle 1 starts
Late registration starts
| | | Library and Information Services: Term hours (South, North, George, 2nd Avenue, Missionvale)
| | | Period for viewing and remark applications of Year-end Assessment period examination scripts
Tue | 13 | | |
Wed | 14 | | MANCO
(09:00) |
Thu | 15 | | Enrolment Management Committee (EMC)
(09:00) |
(12:00) |
Fri | 16 | | Period for application for remarking of examination scripts start (Examinable modules) start and end
Sat | 17 | | |
Sun | 18 | | |
Mon | 19 | | Postgraduate Studies Committee (PGSC)
(09:00) |
Tue | 20 | | |
Wed | 21 | | Executive Committee of Senate (ECS)
(09:00) |
| | | Research Ethics Committee (Human) REC-H
(14:00) |
Thu | 22 | | Enrolment Management Committee (EMC)
(09:00) |
Fri | 23 | | Graduate School Late registration with penalty for Trimester 1 modules ends
Sat | 24 | | |
Sun | 25 | | |
Mon | 26 | | |
Tue | 27 | | Learning and Teaching Committee (LTC)
(14:00) |
| | | Governance and Ethics Committee (GEC)
(09:00) |
Wed | 28 | | Institutional Forum (IF)
(14:00) |
| | | Audit and Risk Committee (ARC)
(09:00) |
Thu | 29 | | Finance and Facilities Committee (FFC)
(14:00) |
| | | Human Resources and Remuneration Committee (HRREM)
(14:00) |
| | | Assisted online registration ends
Late registration ends
| | | Period for viewing and remark applications of Year-end Assessment period examination end