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Fri 1 Graduate School Second Trimester teaching cycle ends
Final Date: Masters and Doctoral Assessment Submissions (Possible December Graduation) TBC
Sat 2
Sun 3
Mon 4 Year Modules Cancellation ends at 50% liablity tuition fees
Tue 5 Risk Management Committee (RMC) (09:00)
Year Modules Cancellation starts at 100% liability tuition fees
Semester 2 Modules Cancellation starts at 50% liability tuition fees
Wed 6 Tender Adjudication Committee (TAC) (09:00)
Research Ethics Committee-Animal (REC-A) (14:00)
Thu 7 Late application period for 2026 open
Engagement and Transformation Committee (ETC) (09:00)
Fri 8 Central Timetabling Committee
Academic staff are reminded that 13 August is the last day to provide proof of student activity for all students registered for Term 3 modules (e.g. signed class list, assessment mark on ITS)
Sat 9 Women's Day
Library and Information Services Closed
Sun 10
Mon 11 Estate and Facilities Management Committee (EFMC) (14:00)
Professoriate and Academic Titles Committee (PATC) (09:00)
Tue 12 Executive Committee of Senate (ECS) (09:00)
Wed 13 Management Committee (MANCO) (08:30)
MBChB Year 1 - Term 3 - Period for Class List Control ends
MBChB Year 2 - Term 3 - Period for Class List Control ends
MBChB Year 3 - Term 3 - Period for Class List Control ends
Last day for unregistered students to attend classes for Term 3. Students are not allowed to continue attending classes after this date and academic support will end for Term 3
Term 3 Census Date Academic staff are reminded that this is the last day to provide proof of student activity for all students registered for Term 3 modules (e.g.signed class list, assessment mark on ITS)
MBChB Year 2 - Term 3 modules. Academic staff are reminded that this is the last day to provide proof of student activity for all students registered for the MBChB Year 1 - Term 3 modules (e.g.signed class list,assessment mark on ITS)
MBChB Year 3 - Term 3 modules. Academic staff are reminded that this is the last day to provide proof of student activity for all students registered for the MBChB Year 3 - Term 3 modules (e.g. signed class list,assessment mark on ITS)
MBChB Year 1 - Term 3 modules.  Academic staff reminded that this is the last day to provide proof of student activity for all students registered for the MBChB Year 1 - Term 3 modules (e.g.signed class list.assessment mark on ITS)
Thu 14 Enrolment Management Committee (EMC) (09:00)
Learning and Teaching Committee (LTC) (14:00)
Fri 15 Transversal Deanery (TD) (08:30)
Sat 16
Sun 17
Mon 18 Strategic Information and Communications Technology Committee (SICTC) (09:00)
Tue 19 Postgraduate Studies Committee (PGSC) (09:00)
Transdisciplinarity and Internationalisation Committee (TIC) (14:00)
Second semester orientation sessions for postgraduate students starts
Wed 20 Research Ethics Committee-Human (REC-H) (09:00)
Thu 21 Capital Resources Allocation Committee (CRAC) (09:00)
Second semester orientation sessions for postgraduate students ends
Fri 22 UAC
Sat 23
Sun 24
Mon 25 Student Services Council (SSC) (14:00)
Tue 26 Governance and Ethics Committee (GEC) (09:00)
Wed 27 Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) (09:00)
Thu 28
Fri 29 MBChB Year 2 - Term 3 ends
Sat 30 MBChB Year 2 - Term 3 recess starts
Sun 31