Page 5 - Transformation Indaba Report
P. 5

ACronyms & AbbreviAtions

        CARR           Centre for Access Assessment and Research
        CGE            Commission for Gender Equality
        CHE            Council on Higher Education
        CriSHET        Chair for Critical Studies in Higher Education Transformation
        DHET           Department of Higher Education and Training
        DVC            Deputy Vice-Chancellor
        ED             Executive Director
        ETP            Engagement and Transformation Portfolio
        EW             Employee Wellness
        GBV            Gender-Based Violence
        HAU            Historically Advantaged University
        HBU            Historically Black University
        HDU            Historically Disadvantaged University
        HE             Higher Education
        HEI            Higher Education Institution
        HESA           Higher Education South Africa
        HoD            Head of Department
        HWU            Historically White University
        ICEP           Informatics Community Engagement Project
        IF             Institutional Forum
        ITP            Institutional Transformation Plan
        KPI            Key Performance Indicator
        FY             First Year
        FYS            First Year Success
        LGBTIQ+        Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex, Queer, +
        LMS            Learning Management System
        LT             Learning and Teaching
        nGAP           New Generation of Academics Programme
        NRF            National Research Foundation
        NSFAS          National Student Financial Aid Scheme
        PASS           Professional and Support Staff
        PG             Postgraduate
        POps           People and Operations
        PR             Public Relations
        RII            Research, Innovation and Internationalisation
        SAHRC          South African Human Rights Commission
        SARChI         South African Research Chairs Initiative
        SI             Sustainable Institute
        SRAC           Strategic Resource Allocation Committee
        SETA           Sector Education and Training Authority

       NelsoN MaNdela UNiversity                    •                     traNsforMatioN iNdaba                    •                     2022      v
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