Page 7 - Transformation Indaba Report
P. 7


        Since the approval of the Transformation Conceptual Frame-  Mandela University, our African context, and as a university in
        work by Council in November 2010, the University has enga-  service of society.
        ged on the issue of transformation in various ways. One such
        opportunity was the Transformation Indaba, conducted over   With the establishment of the Engagement and Transforma-
        two days on the 9th and 10th of February 2022.         tion Portfolio, it was no coincidence that the Transformation
                                                               Indaba followed the 2-day Engagement Colloquium held on
        Discussions on day one served to reflect on the progress   the 7th and 8th of February. The revisioning of Engagement at
        made in relation to the milestones set in the 2018-2022   the University is integrally linked to the Transformative agenda
        Institutional Transformation  Plan (ITP), which was submitted   of the University, which is clearly outlined in the conceptual
        to the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET)   framing document produced by Professor André Keet.
        in December 2017. Reflections drew on lessons learnt and
        identified gaps that need to be addressed going forward.  This report aims to capture the key discussion points and high-
                                                               light the broad themes that emerged from the conversations
        Discussions on day two framed the forward-looking reflec-  in the different plenary and break-away sessions. The report
        tions in alignment  with Vision 2030  and the Transformation   will serve as one of the resources to underpin the consultative
        Barometer. In particular, discussions relating to our identity as   process that will be undertaken to prepare the 2023-2027 ITP.

       NelsoN MaNdela UNiversity                    •                     traNsforMatioN iNdaba                    •                     2022      1
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