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Engagement and Transformation
The Engagement and Transformation Portfolio
Co-creating the transformative, responsive university.
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Engaging and forming partnerships, interacting with stakeholders and reaching out and contributing towards the sustainable development of the communities we serve.
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Promoting institutional transformation through programmatic interventions focusing on the Constitutional principles of human dignity, equality, fairness, non-racism, non-sexism, and redress.
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Anti-Gender-based Violence
Support, reporting and management of gender-based violence for students and staff.
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*iconography adapted with the permission of artist: Xolela Madlanga
Research and Engagement Entities
Centre for the Advancement of Non-racialism and Democracy
CANRAD provides an intellectual and social space for debate and research on the complexities of post-apartheid South Africa as we seek to establish a new non-racial and democratic social and economic order.
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Centre for Women and Gender Studies
Framed around the histories of African intellectual traditions in the region, the CWGS seeks to contribute to an inclusive gender programme through research, gender mainstreaming in teaching, advocacy and engagement.
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Centre for Integrated Post-School Education and Training
CIPSET is a centre of learning, engagement and research excellence through socially engaged public scholarship in the areas of community, vocational and worker education.
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HIV & AIDS Research Unit
Striving to promote and sustain a collaborative response to the HIV & AIDS pandemic through governance, teaching and learning, research, community engagement and service provision.
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*iconography adapted with the permission of artist: Pola Maneli
Research Chairs and Institutes
Chair – Critical Studies in Higher Education Transformation
CriSHET's praxis and programmatic work is rooted in the study of higher education through the lenses of critique and critical action, within the orbit of Critical University Studies (CUS) and other radical approaches to the study of the sector.
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Chair – Youth Unemployment, Employability and Empowerment
Advances cutting edge scholarship on the ways in which skills and Vocational Education and Training (VET) intervene in poverty and unemployment.
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Transdisciplinary Institute for Mandela Studies
TIMS is a joint project between the University, the Nelson Mandela Foundation and the Human Sciences Research Council to implement the scholarly formulation of the Mandela legacy.
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*iconography adapted with the permission of artist: Pola Maneli
Strategic Projects and Working Groups
Hubs of Convergence
The HoC offers physical and intellectual spaces to explore, experiment and reimagine the process of engagement between the University and its communities.
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COVID-19 Coordinating Committee
The CCC coordinates the University's external response to the COVID-19 pandemic in collaboration with a variety of stakeholders, including local and provincial government, civil society, the private sector, and other communities.
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Food Systems Working Group
The Food Systems Working Group aims to understand, clarify, and map the various existing food system projects and programmes active in the University space, and to explore the potential of connecting - or the convergence of - these projects and programmes to be responsive to the challenges of food and food systems, both locally and globally.
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*iconography adapted with the permission of artist: Pola Maneli
Engagement and Transformation News
Sustainable economic growth in SA will come from renewables, not coal
Coal-fired power stations produce 85% of SA’s electricity, making the country the biggest producer of harmful greenhouse gas emissions in Africa.
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We are ready to make innovative medicines in South Africa for Africa and beyond
We are now in crisis again because of Donald Trump’s executive order freezing aid. Surely local drug manufacture now needs to be implemented without any further delay?
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Gauteng hosts groundbreaking regional STEAM education seminar
Despite the urgent national call for improved mathematics proficiency among matriculants, South African public schools continue to grapple with alarming dropout rates and declining STEM subject engagement.
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Mandela University partners with Thames Estuary Growth Board
Nelson Mandela University and the Thames Estuary Growth Board have formed a partnership to address shared societal challenges and promote sustainable, inclusive growth.
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