
Nelson Mandela University Ethics Hotline               

Nelson Mandela University's Ethics Hotline is independently managed by Whistleblowers (Pty) Ltd.

The Whistleblower Hotline can be utilised by all staff, students and third parties to report any unethical behaviour, fraud, corruption, wrong-doing, or irregularities within the University. All reports made  are anonymous and treated with utmost confidence. The hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.                         


Step 1: Select a communication channel 

24/7/365 Hotline: 0800 438 737    

SMS: 33490 (a caller using the SMS receives an automatic response advising that an Information Agent will call them back)

WhatsApp: +27 (0) 31 308 4664       

Email: nelsonmadelauni@whistleblowing.co.za               

Online Web Platform: www.whistleblowing.co.za


Step 2: Report   

Your calls will be received by an information agent who has been rigorously trained by professional, experienced investigators in the use of specialist interviewing techniques. Callers will be put at ease and assisted in providing all the information they are able to share about the matter that they are reporting, including that which they may not have known would be important to include in the report.                     

Information which you may want to gather when making a disclosure:                   

  • Who is involved or doing what?                
  • What has happened ?                                  
  • How was it done and how often was it done?      
  • Where is it done  - exact location or place?          
  • When was the incident observed - dates and times?        
  • Value involved - estimated monetary value if this can be determined.

Step 3: Investigation      

You will receive a confidential reference number from the reporting channel that was used. The matter will then be investigated internally. It may also be referred to a law enforcement agency.

Keep the reference number confidential as you will need this number for follow – up (you can make calls at a later date to provide additional information to the original report) and/or feedback (you can call and request feedback on the matter earlier reported).       

Whistleblowers (Pty) Ltd - Guarantees Anonymity

All reporting channels can be used anonymously. Callers are advised that there is no need to reveal their identity. Reference numbers and code names are used for follow up reports and discussions.


They provide a multi-channel, multilingual 24-hour ethics hotline service operated by skilled information agents, supported by an advanced report quality assurance process. The service is made use of by our employees, suppliers, customers and other third-parties who wish to share information with us. This is often critical information regarding suspected or known wrongdoing that we can respond to, with the goal of stopping or limiting the harm it can be doing to our organisation. While direct and open reporting using normal communication channels must be encouraged, the ethics hotline provides us with information that we would probably not otherwise receive.