Mandatory staff health declaration and training reminder


Thank you to those staff members who have completed the health declaration form and online COVID-19 prevention measures training.

Both of these are mandatory in terms of legal compliance, but more importantly they are key to safeguarding your own health and that of others.

Health Declaration for All Staff
Whether you fall into the vulnerable staff category (are aged 60 and older or have an underlying comorbidity) or not, you must please complete the short declaration form by going to the following link:

COVID-19 Medical Declaration Form

To date, 86% of staff have completed this.

Line managers are requested to ensure that their teams have completed the online form or hard-copy equivalent paperwork and, where necessary, provided the supporting official documentation.

Online COVID-19 Prevention Measures Training
In addition, staff must watch six short videos focusing on the behaviour changes to which we must adhere to help prevent the spread of the virus.

After watching each of the videos, you are requested to agree to practice these prevention measures.

Again, while the University is legally bound to ensure that all staff members understand and commit to practice such changed behaviours, the overriding aim is for you to protect yourself and others against the virus.

Permits for Visiting Campus
To facilitate a controlled return to campus of staff members, the University is also in the process of developing an online app which will only allow those who have completed the above to receive the necessary permit to come to campus, be it in Port Elizabeth or George.

It is therefore in your best interests to ensure that you have completed both the health declaration and prevention measure training sooner rather than later.

Contact Us
Thank you for your ongoing support at this difficult time. Please be reminded that our HR consultants are available to support you with all HR-related matters on or by calling 041-5043555.

Coronavirus Task Team
HR Workstream