Convergence Fund


Nelson Mandela University Convergence Fund

“The purpose of the Mandela University Convergence Fund is to mobilise resources for Nelson Mandela University to assist in addressing serious societal issues like hunger and deprivation in communities in support of our Hubs of Convergence.”

As South Africa navigates the national COVID-19 lockdown, hunger and food security in communities have emerged as critical challenges. Despite the interventions by SASSA and other government agencies and NGOs, poor communities are suffering untold hardship. Given the socioeconomic challenges in this region and the immediate need for resources to aid the fight against COVID-19, the University is of the view that the establishment of a Nelson Mandela University Convergence Fund, to which staff and students can make monetary donations, on a completely voluntary level, would serve as direct assistance to the needy in our immediate community. This fund builds on the University’s existing commitment to create Hubs of Convergence and to partner with civil society and communities to assist in resolving pressing societal issues. It also seeks to extend the University’s COVID-19 interventions beyond supporting government to also supporting communities.

Donations so far


Donate now

The donations so far are categorised as follows:

  • R432 860 unencumbered donations
  • R300 000 encumbered (sustainable food production)
  • R400 000 encumbered (book bag partnership with Utopia Foundation, plus donation in kind of books)

List of Beneficiaries

Methods of payment

The objectives include:

  1. Mobilising resources for the University to contribute directly to challenges facing communities during the pandemic and in its aftermath
  2. Enabling the University to partner with civil society organisations, NGOs and other relevant structures to address poverty, deprivation and hunger in a pragmatic and practical manner
  3. Providing the University community with a practical mechanism for expressing solidarity by donating funding to address inequalities in our society
  4. Giving practical expression to our value of ubuntu
  5. Helping to foster a more humane society, and
  6. Advancing the development of Hubs of Convergence at Mandela University.

Contributions to the Mandela University Convergence Fund are processed through the Nelson Mandela University Trust (Registration Number IT 48/2001). Oversight is carried out by a board of Trustees as part of their fiduciary responsibilities. The Trust is independently audited each year. Copies of the annual financial statements and audit reports can be found in the Trust annual reports on the Trust website. The Finance Division of the University provides financial management services to the Trust in terms of a 2018 SLA.


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