Public Health and Safety

Mega-theme 3: Public Health and Safety

Name of Research and Innovation Area Research Group or Entity Name of Targeted Intervention Project Group Leader
InnoVenton InnoVenton Sanitiser manufacture Ongoing Dr Gary Dugmore


Chemistry SARChi Chair in Microfluidic Bio/Chemical processing Sanitiser manufacture   Prof. Paul Watts
COVID-19 Electronic Health Record (EHR) CCT Customisation of existing Electronic Health Record (EHR) to map to COVID-19 World Health Organisation (WHO) requirements - Web-based solution for healthcare worker - Mobile solution for low connectivity areas - Cloud-based solution Remote consultation and surveillance Customization for specific healthcare workflows, regional and local needs and specialty services areas Darelle Van Greunen
Self-Management of Symptoms once diagnosed CCT COVID-19 BOTS for symptom management Customise existing code and update for local and regional needs Darelle Van Greunen
Mortuary Information Management System CCT Development of a web- based mortuary information management system for use in public healthcare facilities Develop ICT solution based on paper-based forms. Darelle Van Greunen